Renewable Energy

Empowering communities – the role of intermediary organisations in community renewable energy projects in Indonesia

This paper discusses the impact that so-called Community Renewable Energy (CRE) has had in two community areas in Indonesia. Of particular analysis and importance is the intermediary group – in this situation, Ibeka – that plays a direct role in building energy infrastructure in communities....Read more

Policy Matters

This RISE report of 2018 provides 27 indicators covering 133 economies and representing 97% of the world population. This provides a reference point to help policymakers benchmark their sector policy framework against those of regional and global peers, and a powerful tool to help develop...Read more


This paper by Owusu-Adjapong (2018) highlights the incidence of regular power outages in Ghana, and the impact of relying heavily on the Akosombo Dam, the largest generator of Ghana’s hydropower. Despite the fact that installed generation capacity has increased (almost doubled) over the course...Read more

IEA Report: COVID-19 Impacts on Electricity

Like many other sectors of our life and our economies, COVID-19 has reshaped existing infrastructures, interactions, and services. Energy usage is among the sectors witnessing impacts in demand fluctuations and shift in sources. The IEA traced energy usage between the months of May 2020 and...Read more


The 2010 National Energy Policy for Ghana was designed by the Ministry of Energy and approved by Cabinet on March 16, 2010 to facilitate the development of Ghana’s energy sector. The aim of this policy was to provide a framework to ensure the efficient management of energy resources as well as...Read more

Can India realize its ambitious renewable energy targets?

Having already doubled the country's solar power potential from 3GW to 7GW in just 18 months, this developing country is aiming to move ahead to reach their goal of 100GW by 2022. There is no denying this ambition, but the question really is, can India achieve these set targets with the current...Read more

Big Plans to Save the Planet Depend on Nanoscopic Materials Improving Energy Storage

It starts with addressing the state of the world and acknowledging the needed change to avoid a problematic future. It then goes into the problem of energy distribution and storage. With the popular sources of renewable sources, wind and solar, there is no way to regulate the intake due to...Read more

PECO Rate Case - Public Input Hearing Guidance

PECO, Philadelphia's primary electric utility, has filed for a very large rate increase of $246 million, which will be approximately 10% for the average residential customer. PECO states that the rate increase is necessary ...Read more

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