Renewable Energy

Policy Matters

This RISE report of 2018 provides 27 indicators covering 133 economies and representing 97% of the world population. This provides a reference point to help policymakers benchmark their sector policy framework against those of regional and global peers, and a powerful tool to help develop...Read more

Renewables overtake coal, but natural gas still dominates U.S. power generation

Renewable energy is making its way as one of the dominant sources of energy production in the United States. Currently, it accounts for 20% of the U.S.' energy production and is only surpassed by gas-powered energy production, which accounts for 40% of energy production in the nation. Coal...Read more


“Bamboo, the perfect biomass grass, grows naturally across Africa and presents a viable, cleaner and sustainable alternative to wood fuel,” said Michael Kwaku, Country Director for INBAR Ghana. “Without such an alternative, wood charcoal will remain the primary household energy...Read more

What is the Clean Energy Industry Doing to Confront Racism?

Since the murders of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd on account of police brutality and systemic racism in the United States, companies in the clean energy industry have been taking an inward look at their policies and practices and subsequent role in perpetuating racism and racial disparities....Read more

Iceland: A 100% renewables example in the modern era

This article brings up the current state of Iceland and how they use renewable sources. Iceland has achieved 100% renewable energy when it comes to producing electricity. This is true for the capital where ⅔ or residents live but it was difficult to find if that held true for the scattered...Read more

How Covid-19 can affect India’s energy transition goals

The power sectors are greatly affected by the nationwide lockdown due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This lockdown has caused tremendous delays in power projects due to supply chain distruptions, manpower loss and reduction in funding. This article gives an understanding of how India, a country...Read more

Aspen's Path to 100% Renewable Energy

This artifact is an analysis of utility use by the city of Aspen Colorado and how they became one of the very few US cities to use solely renewable energy. This is important because it shows a successful example of a city in the US where the infrastructure has seamlessly transitioned to...Read more


The 2010 National Energy Policy for Ghana was designed by the Ministry of Energy and approved by Cabinet on March 16, 2010 to facilitate the development of Ghana’s energy sector. The aim of this policy was to provide a framework to ensure the efficient management of energy resources as well as...Read more

Can India realize its ambitious renewable energy targets?

Having already doubled the country's solar power potential from 3GW to 7GW in just 18 months, this developing country is aiming to move ahead to reach their goal of 100GW by 2022. There is no denying this ambition, but the question really is, can India achieve these set targets with the current...Read more

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