Has COVID-19 changed other weekly/monthly expenses or created new expenses? Please list (Q42 Sp2020)





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Created Date

March 24, 2021 - 3:00pm

Contributed date

January 1, 2021 - 7:46am

Critical Commentary


The chart reflects responses to Question #42 from the Spring 2020 survey, which asked: “Has COVID-19 changed or added other weekly/monthly expenses? Please list.” This was an open-ended question. 


Eighty-four respondents answered this question, with many picking multiple answers. 

  • Twenty-three respondents (27.4%) said there have been no changes; 

  • Thirty-eight respondents (46.4%) reported increased expenses in food

  • Eight respondents (2.4%) stated they were spending less on food. 

  • Three respondents (3.6%) said they are spending less on personal entertainment like concerts, parties, or video game tournaments. 

  • Five respondents (5.9%) responded they are spending less on transportation.

  • Five respondents (5.9%) were spending less on gas

  • Three respondents (4.8%) said they were spending more on health products such as masks, wipes, and/or sanitizers. 

  • One respondent (1.2%) was spending more on toiletries

  • Two respondents (2.4%) said they were experiencing decreased expenses but did not list those. 

  • One respondent (1.2%) was spending more from buying in bulk

  • One respondent (1.2%) had spent more on zoom

  • It is worth noting that the question asked about “other expenses” after having already talked about bill payment, but three respondents (3.6%) reiterated an increase in their electric bill and one (1.2%) respondent indicated an increase in gas and water. 

  • One respondent (1.2%) did not know if their expenses had changed.

  • Two respondents (2.4%) spent less on personal spending such as impulsive Amazon purchases

  • One respondent (1.2%) was spending less on gifts


The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 86 people over a six week period in May-June 2020. Visit the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.




Cite as

Andrew Rosenthal, 24 March 2021, "Has COVID-19 changed other weekly/monthly expenses or created new expenses? Please list (Q42 Sp2020)", contributed by Andrew Rosenthal, Briana Leone and Alison Kenner, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 17 August 2022, accessed 2 October 2024. https://energyrights.info/content/has-covid-19-changed-other-weeklymonthly-expenses-or-created-new-expenses-please-list-q42