Energy consumption

Energy Consumption

"Energy consumption is indirectly shaped by policies that are not specifically concerned with energy or carbon emissions as such, but that have profound consequences for both" (Riniken et al.,...Read more



The first observation as I perused through this blog post was that it covered every continent withhuman habitat and hence gives one a complete picture of the use of renewable energy across...Read more

The Unyielding Grip Of Fossil Fuels On Global Life

In this article, Michael Klare explains that the use of fossil fuel like coal, oil, and natural gas will not fall, but actually continue to rise in the next decades. I like the way the author shares first the good news about the increase in renewable energy resources and then the bad news...Read more

Big Plans to Save the Planet Depend on Nanoscopic Materials Improving Energy Storage

It starts with addressing the state of the world and acknowledging the needed change to avoid a problematic future. It then goes into the problem of energy distribution and storage. With the popular sources of renewable sources, wind and solar, there is no way to regulate the intake due to...Read more

UK households paid to use electricity during Covid-19 lockdown

This article caught my attention as soon as I read the title. I thought it was a bit bizzare because I have always heard everyone say " Do not waste electrcity" and here it says that households were paid to use electricty. Thousands of British homes were paid to use electricity during the day,...Read more


This is the first in-depth review of India’s energy policies by IEA which examines the country’s achievements in developing its energy sector as well as the challenges it faces in ensuring a sustainable energy future. This report details an impressive track record of expanding access to...Read more

How Retail Businesses Can Easily Reduce Energy Consumption and Costs

This article details the practices retail spaces can use to lower energy consumption and electricity bills. I found this particular article very interesting due to the new knowledge it gave me. It details, the problem with retail lighting and how T8 flourescent light bulbs, fixtures and LED...Read more

Household Energy Use in Pennsylvania - 2009

This fact sheet provides statistics for residential energy consumption in Pennsylvania. Read more

How Covid-19 Has Changed The Way Americans Use Energy

Conca, a Forbes journalist specifically accounting energy topics, discusses the ways in which COVID-19 has affected energy expenditures. Overall, energy consumption has decreased 4% from the same time last year. However, Conca more deeply analyzes the effects lockdown measures have had...Read more

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