Research Participants

This group is for people who have participated in any of the projects conducted by The Energy Rights Project. You are a research participant if you have taken our survey or if you were interviewed by one of our research team members. Research participants include energy counselors, executive directors of organizations, social service workers, staff at nonprofits, and lawyers. But most of the people who have participated in our project are everyday energy users! 

“Groups” at are containers of documents and materials for different audiences. Unfortunately, there is no way to talk to other people in this group. Think of groups like a cabinet in a filing cabinet. If you have questions about the project, our research archive, or any of the material here, please reach out to us at or (484) 461-5375. 

In this “group” you can find information about our survey, “Shifting Energy Demands During COVID-19” including:

The verbal consent script and resource packet for survey participants

The Spring 2020 survey instrument

Our preliminary findings from the Spring 2020 survey

Stories from our Engaging Energy series - Read Rae's story here

Our quarterly newsletters - April 2021 coming soon!

The verbal consent script for professionals 

The interview instrument for energy counselors

Research participants may also be interested in our Philadelphia News You Can Use essay, which collects stories about energy in the region.