Comcast Grants Homeless Shelter Free WiFi

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Contributed date

August 3, 2021 - 4:42pm

Critical Commentary

Comcast is providing the same wifi it uses in it's Lift Zones to a Bucks County Homeless Shelter. The Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter is owned and operated by the nonprofit Family Service Association of Bucks County and is a critical resource for individuals and families who have lost safe and stable housing in the county. This comes as part of Comcast's $1 billion dollar investment to its internet essentials program. It seems Comcast is focused on investing into providing wifi at set locations the public can go to over providing wifi to private living spaces. This is in stark contrast to other utilities, which are seen as necessary in all homes. There are no electricity or water zones.


Towne, Oliver. 2021. “Comcast Grants Homeless Shelter Free WiFi.” LevittownNow.Com (blog). July 26, 2021.



Cite as

Oliver Towne, "Comcast Grants Homeless Shelter Free WiFi ", contributed by Andrew Rosenthal, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 3 August 2021, accessed 4 March 2025.