Comcast is providing the same wifi it uses in it's Lift Zones to a Bucks County Homeless Shelter. The Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter is owned and operated by the nonprofit Family Service Association of Bucks County and is a critical resource for individuals and families who have lost...Read more
This is a compilation of all the resources used for writing the PECE essay titled, ‘Snapshot of energy vulnerability across countries’ by Lopamudra Bhattacharyya. This essay is an academic requirement for the course, ‘Energy Vulnerability Lab’ with instructor, Dr Alison Kenner, Drexel...Read more
The Federal Reserve of Philadelphia looked at labor participation gaps between people with and without broadband access around the country.The Philly Fed found that there was a 17% gap in labor force participant rates beteween people aged between 25-54 who do and do not have a computer with...Read more