Board Approves RGGI Rule, Moving Pa. a Step Closer to Joining Carbon Emissions Program

The Environmental Quality Board voted 15-4 Tuesday to adopt the final regulation that would have Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cap-and-trade program that targets carbon dioxide emissions in the power sector. The new rule is now headed to an independent regulatory...Read more

Wolf vetoes bill that would keep Pennsylvania out of RGGI

This article discusses Governor Wolf vetoing a bill that would prevent Pennsylvania from joining RGGIRead more

Philadelphia School District Moving Forward With Plans To Return Students To Classroom Before Thanksgiving

It seems my field of research (internet insecurity in Philadelphia) has led me down a path of focusing primarily on how schools are reopening.

This article discusses the plans Philadelphia has in order to get students back into school on November 17th, and their recent reaffirmation of...Read more

Poll: Pennsylvania Voters Support Participation in Climate Pact

This article is about a poll showing the majority of Pennsylvanians support joining RGGIRead more

Is the US electric grid ready for changes brought on by coronavirus pandemic?

This article discusses the impacts the stay at home orders will have on the energy grid in this country.Read more

Report: Pennsylvania stands to gain 243,000 jobs a year from clean energy investment

A new report, commissioned by The Heinz Endowment, the Community Foundation the Alleghenies, Policy Matters Ohio, the Keystone Research Center and the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy found that Biden's climate policy could create up to 243,000 jobs annually.

Robert Pollin, a...Read more

Public Comment Overwhelmingly Supports RGGI Proposal

This talks about the public comments made at virtual public hearings and how they overhwelmingly suported joining RGGIRead more


This is the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection's website for RGGIRead more

Comcast Grants Homeless Shelter Free WiFi

Comcast is providing the same wifi it uses in it's Lift Zones to a Bucks County Homeless Shelter. The Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter is owned and operated by the nonprofit Family Service Association of Bucks County and is a critical resource for individuals and families who have lost...Read more

Three FirstEnergy Pennsylvania Utilities Launch Request for Proposal for Solar Energy Credits

FirstEnergy corp has announced its is issuing a "Request for Proposal (RFP) to purchase 137,000 Solar Photovoltaic Alternative Energy Credits (SPAECs) annually over a two-year period on behalf of three FirstEnergy Pennsylvania utilities – Pennsylvania Power Company (Penn Power), Pennsylvania...Read more

Pennsylvania investing $12.5 million to make Roosevelt Boulevard safer

Governor Wolf has announced plans to improve the safety of Roosevelt Boulevard with a $12.5 million dollar plan. $6 million will go toward intersection improvements, including extending curbs to shorten pedestrian crossing distances and realigning crosswalk and lane configurations. Another...Read more

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