Renewable Energy

Renewables overtake coal, but natural gas still dominates U.S. power generation

Renewable energy is making its way as one of the dominant sources of energy production in the United States. Currently, it accounts for 20% of the U.S.' energy production and is only surpassed by gas-powered energy production, which accounts for 40% of energy production in the nation. Coal...Read more

Big Plans to Save the Planet Depend on Nanoscopic Materials Improving Energy Storage

It starts with addressing the state of the world and acknowledging the needed change to avoid a problematic future. It then goes into the problem of energy distribution and storage. With the popular sources of renewable sources, wind and solar, there is no way to regulate the intake due to...Read more

Policy Matters

This RISE report of 2018 provides 27 indicators covering 133 economies and representing 97% of the world population. This provides a reference point to help policymakers benchmark their sector policy framework against those of regional and global peers, and a powerful tool to help develop...Read more

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