This document is PECO's notice for their proposed rate increase, which assumably was sent to their customers/posted on their website. Read more

PECO COVID-19 Email 2

This is another email PECO sent out to customers.Read more

Peco plans hourly rates to encourage customers to shift energy use to off-peak periods

PA regulators have approved PECO’s plan to implement time-of-use rates for its customers, including both residential and commercial consumers. The hope is that some will shift electricity use to off-peak hours, during which rates of use will be discounted. The system has three price tiers...Read more

Peco parent Exelon plans to separate into two firms: ‘Our customers expect us to continuously innovate’

This article describes Exelon's new plan to split its power generation operations from it's six utility companies; PECO is one of the six utilities. The utilities themselves are responsible for managing "the wires and networks to deliver power generated by competitive companies." The...Read more

Peco improperly shut off nearly 50,000 customers because of computer glitches

PECO, the Philadelphia electric utility company, has agreed to pay $75,000 in penalties under a proposed settlement with the Pennsylvania...Read more

Peco seeks electric rate hike that would boost bills by 9.65%, citing grid costs and COVID-19

Peco, citing the need for “significant” upgrades to the local electric grid and for pandemic-related customer relief, on Tuesday filed a request seeking a $246 million electric rate increase that...Read more

Peco should step up on solar to make the Philly region healthier

This opinion piece highlights the region's, and PECO's, lack of longterm sustainability plan. The authors also note that PECO's five-year plan for electricity purchase doubles down on old fossil-fuel models that continue to harm public health and exacerbate structural racism. Neighboring states...Read more

PECO has millions available to help with energy bills, but says few eligible customers are applying for assistance

PECO received $270 million in federal and state funding through the Emergency Rental Assistance Program, money that can be used to help people who can't pay their bills due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Only a limited number of customers have enrolled, and to date only $500,000 of that money...Read more

PECO unveils Small Business Gas Grant Program

A new program, titled the Small Business Gas Grant Program, has been unveiled by PECO and offers up to $500 to small businesses towards their gas bill. According to PECO, the grants are on a first come, first serve basis and any company under 25 employees can apply. According to the...Read more

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