News article

Governor’s power-plant carbon-pricing plan nears finish line

This article discusses Pennsylvania's tentative plan to price carbon emissions. If this move is successful, Wolf's administration would succeed in making Pennsylvania the first state to adopt similar measures. That said, such a move is also a significant headway into dismantling the long-...Read more

With No Power, Tens of Thousands in a ‘Nightmare’ a Week After Storm

This article talks about the ways in which residents are feeling the repercussions of losing power. Many with chronic illnesses have been seriously hit by this loss of power and are really struggling to cope with the heat, their illness, and the dangers of the pandemic. Both Connecticut and New...Read more

2.2 million homes and businesses along the East Coast have no power after Isaias

This article talks about the gradual development of the Isaias storm as it moved through the East Coast. In looking at the storm's path, we can think of how the aftermath of the storm will leave each and every neighborhood vulnerable to different impacts. Overall, we should ask ourselves what...Read more

Renewables overtake coal, but natural gas still dominates U.S. power generation

Renewable energy is making its way as one of the dominant sources of energy production in the United States. Currently, it accounts for 20% of the U.S.' energy production and is only surpassed by gas-powered energy production, which accounts for 40% of energy production in the nation. Coal...Read more

Summer Heat Will Worsen the Pandemic for Poor Communities

This news analysis discusses extreme heat and energy insecurities during the COVID19 pandemic. This article calls for an expansion of energy efficiency and bill assistance programs (e.g. expanding LIHEAP funding for summer months) along with a nation-wide utility shutoff moratorium to provide...Read more

Power outages after Tropical Storm Isaias were a warning to utilities

This article is very interesting in that it details the impacts witnessed by New York City but it also talks about the revealed extant vulnerabilities that are going to be worsened by the storm and that is going to significantly increase exposure and risk of contagion for COVID-19. The article...Read more

As Philadelphia works to tackle climate change, a question emerges: Is PGW on board?

With attempts to electrify grids in a sustainable way, many oil and gas furnaces will inevitably be shut down by 2025. The foregoing is a threat for energy supplies for utilities such as PGW, among utilities that opposed updated and thorough building code implementation. The call to transition...Read more

Utilities disconnect 116,000 Pa. households after state lifts moratorium on pandemic shutoffs

Companies resumed shutoffs in a gradual way once the moratorium lifted. Companies hoped to give customers some leeway to gather funds to pay bills in their entirety or to get on payment plans. However, due to the economic hardships that households continue to experience due to the pandemic, many...Read more

Proposal to join regional cap-and-trade program draws 13,000 comments

This article simply gives an update on the PA proposal to join the regional cap and trade program, also known as RGGI. The Department of Environmental Protection received more than 13,000 comments. The Wolf administration hopes to join RGGI in 2022. PA is the only state in the region that has...Read more

Utilities near end of Tropical Storm Isaias outage woes

This article talks about the repercussions of the storm as it hit Massachusetts. Although outages were felt across the East coast, Massachusetts had not witnessed as many outages as Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York, which were among the worst hit. That said, companies like Eversource...Read more

Renewable Energy Is Suddenly Startlingly Cheap

This article provides a great overview of the changes and transitions in energy that are being witnessed at the moment and that have made more than significant advances in the last three years. A non-profit, environmentalist agency (Carbon Tracker) has documented the steady decrease in prices...Read more

Using cocoa husks to create power in Ghana

This artifact throws more light on a project led by the University of Nottingham aimed at creating energy from cocoa husks to enable Ghana achieve her target of universal electricity access by 2030.

With Ghana being the 2nd highest cocoa producing country in the world, the probability of...Read more

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