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“Deflect, Delay, Defer”: Decade of Pacific Gas & Electric Wildfire Safety Pushback Preceded Disasters

The fires ravaging through California began as an electrical output started from PG&E, who stated they would take all necessary action to improve their equipment in other to avoid future outbreaks. However, their statement does not account for the past fires caused by faulty wiring and...Read more

How coronavirus is changing electricity usage, in 3 charts

This news article talks about shifting energy demand during COVID-19, focusing on California, New York, and Italy. Data is taking from electricity grids and shows that there is a reduced overall demand on the grid -- so even with increased usage in households, the amount of energy consumption is...Read more

Hundreds of thousands of people face utility shutoffs as pandemic surges

This article discusses the ending of the utility moratorium in Pennsylvania, which expired on November 9th, 2020. As of June, 800,000 customers were at risk of a utility shut-off post-moratorium, but that number is likely higher now. According to PUC's order, anyone whose household income...Read more

Utilities disconnect 116,000 Pa. households after state lifts moratorium on pandemic shutoffs

Companies resumed shutoffs in a gradual way once the moratorium lifted. Companies hoped to give customers some leeway to gather funds to pay bills in their entirety or to get on payment plans. However, due to the economic hardships that households continue to experience due to the pandemic, many...Read more

Why the District of Columbia is a leader in energy efficiency

Energy efficiency is becoming an increasing topic of discussion and consideration in city planning and in environmental action. Energy efficiency planning also creates avenues for employment and improvements in health. Modification in buildings' stock is a focus given they account for 1/3 of US...Read more

There Could Be an Energy Bill Debt Tsunami, Too

We're including this article because it discusses the state of household energy bills and the use of pandemic moratoriums. The article discusses differences between when states ended the utility shutoff moratoriums, but also noted that nationally, household consumers did spend more during the...Read more

Peco plans hourly rates to encourage customers to shift energy use to off-peak periods

PA regulators have approved PECO’s plan to implement time-of-use rates for its customers, including both residential and commercial consumers. The hope is that some will shift electricity use to off-peak hours, during which rates of use will be discounted. The system has three price tiers...Read more

The Mass. Legislature's Climate Bills Are Important. But They Wouldn't Do Enough For My Most Vulnerable Patients

By virtue of spatial designation, certain communities are more at risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing serious illness by it, this could vary from heat risk, climate risks, and other side effects from air pollution. The next pandemic could have worse effects, that will be worsened by d...Read more

COVID-19's Impact on the Global Shift to Renewable Energy

This article offers an analysis of how the COVID19 pandemic and the subsequent global financial contraction and collapse in oil prices will impact the renewable energy industry. Read more

As End of Utility Shutoff Moratorium Nears, SNAP Fears Rush of Requests for Assistance

SNAP directors are urging those in crisis to apply right away whilst asking those who can cope to wait a little longer before applying. The question here is: is it ethical to ask anyone who needs help (regardless of critical or non-critical status) to wait to apply? Shouldn't it be the...Read more

Pennsylvania lost a quarter of its clean energy jobs in 2020. Here’s a proposal to bring them back

This article describes two bills, one introducted to PA's senate and the other to PA's house, which would increase the state's renewable energy goal from 8% to 18% by 2026. This would increase the number of solar jobs from .5% to 5.5%. This could create nearly 1.6 billion in economic growth and...Read more

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