Environmental Health

As Indiana coal plants close, advocates say gas power should not replace them

There's movement to close all coal-powered plants, but environmentalist groups like Sierra Club are also mobilizing resources to halt plans for gas-powered energy plants. CenterPoint Energy, among one of the companies whose coal power plants are being shut down, said their focus will primarily...Read more

2021 Rankings: Top cities with the most Energy Star certified buildings.

This page compiles the rankings created by EPA in correspondence with US cities' data on emissions, green energy, and energy star appliances. As can be seen, Philadelphia does not fall within the top 10 least environmentally damaging cities. As a matter of fact, Philadelphia ranks near last, at...Read more

‘Historic, dangerous, prolonged and unprecedented’ heat wave swells over Pacific Northwest

In a record-breaking heat wave that’s swept the Pacific Northwest, The Washington Post has followed the event as it is documented by local newspapers and weather forecasters. This past week, temperatures in the Pacific Northwest have consistently...Read more

After three decades, most polluted U.S. neighborhoods haven't changed

This article reflects on the disparate levels of air pollution faced by specific communities, usually low-income communities and communities where people of color reside. More specifically, the article also addresses the ways in which disparate exposure also changes the risk of developing...Read more

Nixon signed this key environmental law. Trump plans to change it to speed up pipelines, highway projects and more.

This article narrates how BIPOC and poor communities may face the threat of even more pollution and health risks as Trump plans to roll back on environmental laws. The foregoing is justified by the fact these new jobs would provide jobs. Several problems arise in this scenario: a) communities...Read more

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