The attached document produces a detailed analysis of fuel poverty in the transport sector in France. What is particularly interesting about the study herein presented is the classification of the fuel poor into three subcategories. I believe it is through these subcategories that a more...Read more
This white paper looks at the intersecton of medical vulnerability and energy insecurity.Read more
This report provides a snapshot of energy burdens in cities across the US. It focuses on the high home energy burdens faced by select groups in major metropolitan areas. Years of analysis by the firm of Fisher Sheehan & Colton determined that low-income households pay proportionally more...Read more
This article caught my attention because of the perfect match with the 3 research questions which I had in my mind during the first class of this course. Consumer’s perceptions about energy demand, supply, usage and concerns will vary across people from different geographies, economic...Read more
On March 30, PECO
submitted a rate increase request to the PUC which would provide with PECO approximately $246 million per year, a boost of roughly 7 percent. If the entire increase is approved, PECO estimates the average residential customer, using 700 kilowatts per hour, would see their...Read more