Energy Vulnerability

A Pandemic and Surging Summer Heat Leave Thousands Struggling to Pay Utility Bills

This article is particularly relevant to investigations on energy vulnerability, but also particularly relevant to predictions of compounded vulnerabilities made by the research group before the first round of interviews. For example, one of the people interviewed said she was forced to shut her...Read more

What COVID Taught Us About Reliable Energy & Healthy Homes

This artifact discusses the overlap between the COVID-19 crisis and the housing and utility affordability crisis. Avila begins by citing statistics for housing and utility debt accumulated during the pandemic, and articualtes how this debt and the housing and utility crisis as a whole mirrors...Read more

U.S. Power Crisis Leaves Millions Cold, Dark as Blackouts Expand

This article discusses the power crises occurring in the United States due to the overlapping slow disasters of climate change and COVID-19, revealing inadequacies in energy infrastructure (e.g. electrical grids, power plants) which are overwhelmed by energy demands in areas experiencing extreme...Read more

DVRPC Climate Adaptation Forum Presentation - June 23

This artifact is a presentation held at the Delaware Valley Climate Conference on June 23rd, 2020. The conference specifically focused on the need to move to microgrids, given the inherent vulnerability of the larger and archaic microgrid as existent in the United States. The panelists called...Read more

Berry et al. - Investigating Fuel Poverty - 2016

The attached document produces a detailed analysis of fuel poverty in the transport sector in France. What is particularly interesting about the study herein presented is the classification of the fuel poor into three subcategories. I believe it is through these subcategories that a more...Read more

PECO Seeks Rate Increase Of 9 Percent For Average Household

On March 30, PECO

submitted a rate increase request to the PUC which would provide with PECO approximately $246 million per year, a boost of roughly 7 percent. If the entire increase is approved, PECO estimates the average residential customer, using 700 kilowatts per hour, would see their...Read more

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