Three Pillars of Sustainability

"There are three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environmental – an idea that has figured strongly in policy discussions since the Bruntdland report of 1987" (Riniken et al., 2019:91).

As earlier quotations mention the nexus between energy, history, cultures, and contexts, we can think about this quote in terms of the ways in which economic, social, and environmental factors shape energy policies, energy demand, and energy consumption. In connection to the DVRPC Climate Adaptation Forum, we can also think of the above in terms of smart grids being able to address the trilemma talked about in the reading, given it tends to address all three pillars of sustainability through 'smart gridding'. Nevertheless, and particularly as related to our EVP project, many policies, state, and utility actions fail to consider meeting affordability, security, or decarbonization as they try to meet the commodification of energy demand.


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