Calling the Seven Major Pennsylvania Electric Companies' Act 129 Representitive

I left a voicemail for PECO's PPL's, and Kent Hatt of First Energy. The representative for Duqesnse's phone would not ring and Ed Miller's mailbox was full. As of April 19th, I have yet to hear back from any of them.Read more

IEA Report: COVID-19 Impacts on Electricity

Like many other sectors of our life and our economies, COVID-19 has reshaped existing infrastructures, interactions, and services. Energy usage is among the sectors witnessing impacts in demand fluctuations and shift in sources. The IEA traced energy usage between the months of May 2020 and...Read more

The Digital Divide: How Philadelphia Area Compares In Internet Usage

Current FCC estimates predict that 30 million Americans do not have broadband access, which includes more than 6/10 rural residents. Some estimates put that at even more without internet access.

Microsoft recently released numbers estimating the percentage of residents who use the...Read more

ECA Newsletter - April 3, 2020

This monthly newsletter was written by executive director Steve Luxton and gave an update on what is happening at ECA during the COVID19 shutdown.Read more

Direct Testimony of Melissa La Buda on behalf of The Philadelphia Water Department

The following artifact is the testimony of Melissa La Buda, the Deputy Commissoner of Finance for the Philadelphia Water Department, regarding the Philadelphia 2021 Water Rate case. It's important to note that throughout the testimony there is mentioning of increased outreach for the Tiered...Read more

Philly schools spending $11M on computers to be used during coronavirus closures; Comcast CEO, family donating $5M

After the COVID-19 pandemic shuts down Philadelphia, the school district tries to purchase enough computers to supply a computer to every student. After the initial shut down the Philadelphia school district makes moves to bring equity of education to all primary and secondary students.Read more

How Covid-19 Has Changed The Way Americans Use Energy

Conca, a Forbes journalist specifically accounting energy topics, discusses the ways in which COVID-19 has affected energy expenditures. Overall, energy consumption has decreased 4% from the same time last year. However, Conca more deeply analyzes the effects lockdown measures have had...Read more

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