PA ADV 1 Attachment B

This artifact is a spreadsheet with data provided by the Philadelphia Water Department as a response to a request made by the Public Advocate’s Advanced Interrogatories And Requests For Production Of Documents.Read more

PHLRentAssist Phase 4 Frequently Asked Questions

This artifact contains frequently asked questions for Phase 4 of Philadelphia's rental assistance program. Read more

Supply chain issues may cause energy prices to soar

In unsurprising COVID-related issues with supply chains could significantly impact energy prices this coming winter. Because of the back-up in services and delivery, it is advisable to start checking heating systems soon to get ahead of the demand. Regardless, however, heat users will experience...Read more

Poor internet service a deterrent to rural living, survey finds

Internet access in rural Pennsylvania is critically lacking, as I have shown in past artifacts posted here. The rural urban divide in internet access and speeds in Pennsylvania may be the most extreme in the country, with some parts of Pennsylvania not being able to even stream videos.,
...Read more

Bicameral Utility Access Letter
This letter was signed by 100 members of Congress and urges party leaders to institute a utility shutoff moratorium that would last for at least six months beyond the end date of the national state of emergency.Read more
Impact of Covid-19 on the global energy sector

The energy sector is experiencing a huge blow due to the COVID-19 impacts in terms of delaying energy transition projects due to reduced supply chain regarding imports from foreign countries. Many countries have also initiated the delay for paying the utility bills and this has severely impacted...Read more

Philly is trying to bridge vaccine gaps by targeting hard-hit neighborhoods. Finally, activists and experts say.

This article discusses the digital divide and how a vaccination have proven to increase it even more than the pandemic already has. It opens with by discussing Jeff Harris, 65, and how he was registered after a group of activists went door to door registering people. Harris explained that not...Read more

Calling the Seven Major Pennsylvania Electric Companies' Act 129 Representitive

I left a voicemail for PECO's PPL's, and Kent Hatt of First Energy. The representative for Duqesnse's phone would not ring and Ed Miller's mailbox was full. As of April 19th, I have yet to hear back from any of them.Read more

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