Climate Change

Groups urge bigger targets, more equity as RGGI states consider changes

This article describes the current review of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which participating states undertake every few years. The current review will take place throughout 2022, with new rules set in the fall. The article highlights calls from environmental advocates to set more...Read more

RGGI will reduce carbon emissions and bring millions to Pennsylvania. This shouldn’t be a fight. | Editorial

This article was shared by Governor Wolf and is advoacting for Pennsylvania joining RGGI. It is part of my RGGI PECE essay.Read more

U.S. Power Crisis Leaves Millions Cold, Dark as Blackouts Expand

This article discusses the power crises occurring in the United States due to the overlapping slow disasters of climate change and COVID-19, revealing inadequacies in energy infrastructure (e.g. electrical grids, power plants) which are overwhelmed by energy demands in areas experiencing extreme...Read more

Extreme weather, low hydro and fuel shortages could threaten grid in multiple regions this winter: NERC

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)produces two broad reliabilty assessments every year, ahead of the summer and winter peaking seasons, to evaluate generation resources and transmission system adequacy. But after the blackouts in Texas and the midwest last...Read more

Report explores a decarbonized future for PGW, cites its current structure and business model as challenges

In December 2021, the much anticipated 81-page PGW Businesss Diversification study was released. The report recommends further study into three separate future pathways for PGW: geothermal energy; expanded weatherization; and harvesting sewer gas or landfill gas that produces methane. The...Read more

A carbon pledge, a bag ban, a tree plan: Philly’s year in environmental news and what’s next

This article highlights the biggest environmental news coming from Philadelphia in the year 2021. 

  • "Philadelphia vowed to be carbon neutral by 2050. One strategy for meeting this goal comes from Philly's Building Energy Performance Program, which requires all non-residential
  • ...Read more
Without action on climate change, heat is projected to become major global killer

This article talks about several studies documenting the impacts we are going to face if we do not address extreme heat now. That said, projections show that, without any measures taken to address extreme heat, climate change will increase annual deaths by heat that are comparable to annual...Read more

Abandoned Oil and Gas Sites Are Leaking Methane Across the Country

This article peaked my interest after attending 4S and listening to a presentation on orphaned oil and gas wells on Dinehtah, the homeland of the Navajo tribe. 

There are 3.2 million abandoned oil and gas wells across the United States which pose great environmental and health risks as...Read more

Op-ed: We have a final opportunity to respond to climate change. Will we take it?

Transitions call for monetary investments and fuel-use cutbacks to be made. This article calls on fast action to be taken just as fast as measures were taken when the COVID-19 pandemic began. The article also calls for rapid adaptive changes to be made for populations most at risk of negative...Read more


This is the page on RGGI's website that shows the compliance periods. It is part of my RGGI PECE essay.Read more

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