Climate Change

The role of European policy for improving power plant fuel efficiency

This article addresses the efficiency upgrades as well as transition to renewable sources. It states in the article that because of the transition they have been able to reduce their emissions by 6 million tons annually. This is an incredibly high amount this is partly because they are now...Read more

Energy Use and Greenhouse Gas Emission - Inventory for Greater Philadelphia

This document provides a 2018 overview of energy use and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Greater Philadelphia. This report can be used to provide foundational knowledge regarding the state of energy use in the region. Read more

Power companies back EPA climate authority at Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is set to hear a pivotal case regarding the federal government's authority to reduce carbon emissions on February 28th, 2022. The case was launched by coal companies and Republican-led states that asked the justices to limit EPA’s options to regulate emissions under the...Read more

Jessel et al. - Energy, Poverty, and Health - 2019

This literature review serves to provide an in-depth look at energy insecurity as it relates to health, in both their acute and chronic states. The artifact is particularly useful in its ability to track and make connections between the fast-changing nature of the environment, as affected by...Read more

Do you think climate change is impacting Philly?

Other than the normal - like I said the normal changes in the environment, or in climate, and the changes in utilities and things of that nature, which has a big impact. I don't know, I'm trying to figure out what they could do to be more efficient in terms of providing clean energy to us...Read more

Thousands without power during record-breaking heat

On June 27th, 2021 Portland General Electric said 2,574 customers in Clackamas County, 1,291 customers in Multnomah County, 605 customers in Washington County and 765 customers in Yamhill County were without power due to extreme heat-related outages in the Pacific Northwest. 

Portland...Read more

Groups urge bigger targets, more equity as RGGI states consider changes

This article describes the current review of the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, which participating states undertake every few years. The current review will take place throughout 2022, with new rules set in the fall. The article highlights calls from environmental advocates to set more...Read more

Dangerous new hot zones are spreading around the world

This artifact provides a detailed and illustrative account of the effects we are witnessing and will continue to witness with the earth's temperature increase. By clicking the link provided in the source box you may have access to the full-featured interactive graphics that show: changes in 5-...Read more

‘Historic, dangerous, prolonged and unprecedented’ heat wave swells over Pacific Northwest

In a record-breaking heat wave that’s swept the Pacific Northwest, The Washington Post has followed the event as it is documented by local newspapers and weather forecasters. This past week, temperatures in the Pacific Northwest have consistently...Read more

Extreme weather, low hydro and fuel shortages could threaten grid in multiple regions this winter: NERC

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC)produces two broad reliabilty assessments every year, ahead of the summer and winter peaking seasons, to evaluate generation resources and transmission system adequacy. But after the blackouts in Texas and the midwest last...Read more

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