Critical Risks in Renewable Energy

This article brings up the possible downsides of alternative energy sources. Energy vulnerability within the new systems and how this may prevent the future competitiveness of the strategy. 

It begins by describing the continous growth of wind and solar energy. The first...Read more

100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World

This article caught my attention because after all the reading I have done recently on this topic, I am looking for solutions, primarily for a ‘feel good’ factor. Else the complexity of this global  crisis of energy vulnerability is overwhelming me.  I do understand that this is an optimistic...Read more

Lessons from Europe, North America, and Asia: Financing Models that are Facilitating Building Energy Efficiency at Scale

The definitive objective of this report and the way it is written giving evidence of actual collaboration by the authors for the study are the two main reasons why I selected this as my artifact source. The report referred to the Paris Agreement at multiple instances. I have been hearing a lot...Read more

The Unyielding Grip Of Fossil Fuels On Global Life

In this article, Michael Klare explains that the use of fossil fuel like coal, oil, and natural gas will not fall, but actually continue to rise in the next decades. I like the way the author shares first the good news about the increase in renewable energy resources and then the bad news...Read more

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