This article looks at what's happening on the ground in Philadelphia two days after the Pennsylvania PUC ended the utility shutoff moratorium. Importantly, at that time, PGW said that they had not yet terminated anyone. It was clear from the article that PECO was reaching out to let people know...Read more
This presentation was created by Philadelphia's Office of Sustainability in partnership with Econsult for public consumption regarding the PGW Business Diversification study.
The purpose of this study is to address the issue of decarbonizing PGW (the largest pubically owned gas utility in...Read more
This piece from the organization Grounded in Philly provides resources and information for those seeking to gain ownership of a vacant lot that is privately owned and how to deal with unpaid debt left behind by the absent owner. After explaining what liens are, the page moves on to explore the...Read more
Assign to someone at the May 31st meeting :)Read more
This article lays out information about PGW's plan for the future. In Pennsylvania, they are planning to work against having natural gas be brought into homes. PGW is trying to make it possible for gas to be a continue form of fuel to use at home...Read more
This is a very recent article from WHYY the local public news site for Philadelphia. It outlines a proposed rate increase for households in Philadelphia by PGW, the local gas company. The reason this article interested me was how it touches on household costs for energy as well as physical...Read more
This article presents the controversy existing between PGW and Vicinity Energy over their monopoly on the heating grouds. This has been an ongoing controversy and has been a small player in Philly’s energy ecosystem. The article points to the...Read more
This article highlights the challenges of the transition from natural gas in Philadelphia to renewable energy. Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) — the largest municipal gas utility in the country -- has a pipe network that has expanded over the past 185 years to encompass 6,000 miles of...Read more
PGW switched to a new online accounts system in July, which requires every user to re-register. Some paperless customers expressed frustration on social media, saying they didn’t know anything...Read more
Philadelphia Gas Works (PGW) announced a new grant program for households facing pandemic related financial hardships on January 12th 2021, with the program to start on January 19th, 2021. Eligible households can receive up to $300 on their natural gas bill. To apply, individuals call PGW to...Read more
With attempts to electrify grids in a sustainable way, many oil and gas furnaces will inevitably be shut down by 2025. The foregoing is a threat for energy supplies for utilities such as PGW, among utilities that opposed updated and thorough building code implementation. The call to transition...Read more
This article highlights the biggest environmental news coming from Philadelphia in the year 2021.