Tackling Philly’s high energy burden can help shore up against storms | Opinion

This article begins with a discussion of the Vine Street Expressway being turned into a canal as a result of Hurricane Ida. It then goes on to express the need to protect the city from more horrific weather events on both a local and federal level. The article defines energy burden as "is...Read more

Public comment period opens for draft RGGI rule

This article discusses the opening of the public comment period for a draft for Pennsylvania to join RGGIRead more

April Media Brief Staff Picks - Andrew Rosenthal

Write up detailing why I chose the articles I did for my March Media BriefRead more

Report: Pennsylvania stands to gain 243,000 jobs a year from clean energy investment

A new report, commissioned by The Heinz Endowment, the Community Foundation the Alleghenies, Policy Matters Ohio, the Keystone Research Center and the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy found that Biden's climate policy could create up to 243,000 jobs annually.

Robert Pollin, a...Read more


“Bamboo, the perfect biomass grass, grows naturally across Africa and presents a viable, cleaner and sustainable alternative to wood fuel,” said Michael Kwaku, Country Director for INBAR Ghana. “Without such an alternative, wood charcoal will remain the primary household energy...Read more

Free internet access available for some now struggling to afford it, city says

Philadelphia is extending it's free PHLConnectED program, which provides no cost connections, to families who have children recieving special education services or are English-language learners, and those who participate in public benefit programs with income qualifications 

City...Read more

Pa. governor pushes back RGGI proposal deadline to September

This is a piece that is part of my RGGI PECE essay. In it, the author discusses governor Wolf delaying the deadline for a proposal to join RGGI from June to SeptemberRead more

PECO COVID-19 Email 2

This is another email PECO sent out to customers.Read more

Fuel storage tank catches fire at former PES refinery site in South Philly owned by Hilco

This article discusses a fire that occured at a former PES refinery in South Philly owned by Hilco. I recall hearing about this at the time, but we did not discuss it. What occures when energy infastructres break down is not something we have discussed at length much. As much of the city is...Read more

In Contentious Vote, Pennsylvania Takes Formal Step towards Joining Regional Cap and Trade Market

This is about a vote made that will move Pennsylvania from joining RGGIRead more


In a bid to provide quality and reliable electricity to households and industries, Ghana’s first attempt to establish a modern legal framework for the energy industry was developed in the 1920s. A strategy paper was then launched in between 2012-2016 to support the 2 strategic stalwarts: “...Read more

Broadband Subscription, Computer Access, and Labor Market Attachment Across U.S. Metros

The Federal Reserve of Philadelphia looked at labor participation gaps between people with and without broadband access around the country.The Philly Fed found that there was a 17% gap in labor force participant rates beteween people aged between 25-54  who do and do not have a computer with...Read more

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