RGGI will reduce carbon emissions and bring millions to Pennsylvania. This shouldn’t be a fight. | Editorial

This article was shared by Governor Wolf and is advoacting for Pennsylvania joining RGGI. It is part of my RGGI PECE essay.Read more

Why the Government's Plans for Coal Must be Replaced By a Renewable Energy Alternative.

This artifact suggests that producing energy through renewable sources especially solar and wind is the choicest option for the private sector to produce and commercialize energy using the distributed model. This model is used to describe the setting where equipment for power generation using...Read more

Board Approves RGGI Rule, Moving Pa. a Step Closer to Joining Carbon Emissions Program

The Environmental Quality Board voted 15-4 Tuesday to adopt the final regulation that would have Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cap-and-trade program that targets carbon dioxide emissions in the power sector. The new rule is now headed to an independent regulatory...Read more

Duquesne Light Company Shutoff Suspension Extension

DLC announcing a shutoff suspension until at least June 1st.Read more

Gettysburg Borough Council: Human Relations Board * Comcast Agreement

The Gettysburg Borough Council is close to signing a new 10-year agreement with Comcast Cable Communications, LLC which sells cable and internet services under the name Xfinity.

Adams County, which Gettysburg resides in, has 90% broadband access (86% in rural areas) according to the FCC...Read more

Massive Comcast Xfinity outage disconnects TV and internet across the US

Xfinity customers in Philadelphia reported service outages the morning of November 9th, however the outages were not exclusive to Philadelpia. Customers in Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan, have also reported connectivity problems. “Earlier, some customers experienced intermittent...Read more

Report: Pennsylvania stands to gain 243,000 jobs a year from clean energy investment

A new report, commissioned by The Heinz Endowment, the Community Foundation the Alleghenies, Policy Matters Ohio, the Keystone Research Center and the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy found that Biden's climate policy could create up to 243,000 jobs annually.

Robert Pollin, a...Read more

Tackling Philly’s high energy burden can help shore up against storms | Opinion

This article begins with a discussion of the Vine Street Expressway being turned into a canal as a result of Hurricane Ida. It then goes on to express the need to protect the city from more horrific weather events on both a local and federal level. The article defines energy burden as "is...Read more

PA Senate Democrats Joined House Democrats for Net Neutrality Policy Hearing

State Senator Amanda Cappelletti (D) and state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler (D) held virtual meeting on net neutrality and equitable access to internet in Pennsylvania.

“Internet access has become a necessity. However, Pennsylvania’s technological infrastructure and internet standards are behind...Read more

Pa. governor pushes back RGGI proposal deadline to September

This is a piece that is part of my RGGI PECE essay. In it, the author discusses governor Wolf delaying the deadline for a proposal to join RGGI from June to SeptemberRead more

Cable companies can no longer ‘rent’ you the router you already own

Energy vulnerability can stem from an almost infinite amount of variables. Small fees can rack up and it just takes one to cause someone to be unable to pay bills. That is why this new law, passed by Congress on June 20th, 2020 is a win for consumers. 

Internet service providers...Read more

PUC Urges Financially Stressed Consumers to Work with Utilities to Explore Options; Thanks Utilities for Safeguarding Essential Services; Encourages Conservation and Community Support

This press release came out on March 27th, 2019 form the Pennsylvania Utility Commission. This press release urged customers to seek out any financial assistance programs to make their bills affordable whether it be due to COVID-19 or some other financial burden.
They then offer the...Read more

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