This article discusses the effects of the utility shutoff moratorium as a policy (an emergency policy) that had no vision for long term pay back. I did not count the number of times the phrase "keeing the lights on" was repeated, but I should have. The article also describes how different...Read more
This article documents the end of the utility shutoffs suspension in Pennsylvania, which will take place on November 9, 2020.
Utilities have said that the moratorium, which was enacted in March, has not led to an increase in payment plan applications, but has instead led to an...Read more
Incomes of americans have been drastically reduced in recent weeks as COVID19 related relief programs have reached their deadlines without extensions. The federal eviction moratorium ended on July 24th, and the program providing an extra $600 in unemployment benefits expired on July 30th, and...Read more
We're including this article because it discusses the state of household energy bills and the use of pandemic moratoriums. The article discusses differences between when states ended the utility shutoff moratoriums, but also noted that nationally, household consumers did spend more during the...Read more
This artifact is the Energy Rights Project's first research newsletter, published in April 2021. The purpose of the newsletter is to provide members of the public and our collaborators with updates on what our research team members have been working on, and in this newsletter these updates...Read more
This article provides an update on the state of residential utility arrears in New Jersey, where nearly 600,000 customers owe more than $570 million in back payments. Johnson explains that low income workers/households were hit by pandemic costs and losses particularly hard, but that middle...Read more