Energy Services

Energy history

"Energy is conceptualised as something that is abstracted from what people do, and from the histories, cultures and contexts in which energy demand is constituted' (Riniken et al., 2019, 2).
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Energy Services

An important claim to think about as inherently related to our own project is the idea of energy services depending on more than just energy (Riniken et al., 2019:20). We can think of the energy...Read more

Connecticut needs to make big changes in ‘who does what’ in the electric power industry

Connecticut Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) Chair Gillet said she is not interested in utilities' excuses in not providing reliable service. Eversource has to deal with electricity service and other services it provides, many calling it a monopoly of services. In a 2018 grid-...Read more

Quotes from Energy Fables

Chapter 3, page 16: "individuals act as 'micro-resource managers.'"

Chapter 3, page 16: "Shove makes a similar point, noting that 'when energy is in the spotlight, the services it provides...Read more

The biggest energy challenges facing humanity

The title of this article mentions challenges but as I read through, I realized that it is also providing some solutions at a global level on the energy crisis. The article claims that energy demands will go by 50% by 2040 with the largest requirement for cooling / air conditioning. Rising...Read more

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