The geyser-like disruption that emerged in Philly on July 25th later at night caused severe damages, upwards of $1 million, considering that is how much one collector lost in art and paintings. The Water Department offered to pump out any water, mud, or other debris in people's basements that...Read more
In March 2021 President Biden announced a $2 trillion plan to improve the nation's infrastructure and to shift to greener energy over the next 8 years. The infrastructure plan is part one of a two part propsoal to help the United State's economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, with the...Read more
This article discusses the power crises occurring in the United States due to the overlapping slow disasters of climate change and COVID-19, revealing inadequacies in energy infrastructure (e.g. electrical grids, power plants) which are overwhelmed by energy demands in areas experiencing extreme...Read more
On September 1st, 2021, Philadelphians will begin to receive water bills that reflect a 3.6% rate increase, as Philadelphia's 2021 water rate case has been approved by the PUC. Over two years, the rate will increase by 10.3% for residential customers. The water rate increase in Philadelphia is...Read more
PECO, Philadelphia's primary electric utility, has filed for a very large rate increase of $246 million, which will be approximately 10% for the average residential customer. PECO states that the rate increase is necessary ...Read more
This article peaked my interest after attending 4S and listening to a presentation on orphaned oil and gas wells on Dinehtah, the homeland of the Navajo tribe.
There are 3.2 million abandoned oil and gas wells across the United States which pose great environmental and health risks as...Read more
This article discusses the benefits of building pipelines across the United States, specifically in Pennsylvania where the energy market has provided vast avenues for jobs and the economy. In fact, the article states energy production and the energy market contribute $45 billion to Pennsylvania'...Read more
The Monday following the main break on 6th and South Streets, the Water Department did not have an estimate on properties damaged, the cost or timeline of repairs. Interviewing impacted residents WHYY reporters did gather that the damages done were mostly to things of sentimental value. The...Read more
This article caught my attention because after all the reading I have done recently on this topic, I am looking for solutions, primarily for a ‘feel good’ factor. Else the complexity of this global crisis of energy vulnerability is overwhelming me. I do understand that this is an optimistic...Read more