Many of the artifacts I have posted here have revolved around the digital divide in a purely academic sense, and while this article touches on that subject, it also goes deeper and explores the social ramifications of the digital divide.
It is psuedo-ethnographic in the way that it...Read more
My articles for the March Media Brief focus on Comcast’s investments in Philadelphia, Net Neutrality, and Philadelphia’s vaccine rollout. All three articles were chosen because they deal with internet infrastructure in Pennsylvania in...Read more
This article discusses a new hotline set up to help students and families navigate this new school year. It was written by Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenny and superintendent William Hite Jr. One thing I have noticed in every article I have found is the increasing usage of the term "digital divide...Read more
PHILconnectED, Philadelphia's free high speed internet program for low-income families with children in remote education has now expanded eligibility to Pre-K students. Previously, the program was eligible only to students in Kindergaden-12th grade.
Internet access is available to those...Read more
Current FCC estimates predict that 30 million Americans do not have broadband access, which includes more than 6/10 rural residents. Some estimates put that at even more without internet access.
Microsoft recently released numbers estimating the percentage of residents who use the...Read more
According to a price listing posted on Reddit, Comcast's internet and phone services will be recieving a price hike starting on January 1st, 2021. Since my focus is on the digital divice, I won't be focusing on the TV price increase.
"The Xfinity Home Security and Plus services will cost...Read more
The Federal Reserve of Philadelphia looked at labor participation gaps between people with and without broadband access around the country.The Philly Fed found that there was a 17% gap in labor force participant rates beteween people aged between 25-54 who do and do not have a computer with...Read more
This article discusses internet insecurity in rural Pennsylvania, which I have shared articles about in the past. The issue of internet access is framed around energy rights in an indirect way. Stephine A. Keebler, superintendent of Titusville Area School District in Crawford County "“When you...Read more
This article describes a survey the city of Philadelphia is plannnig to condut on conjunction with Wilco Electronic Systems. The survey is planned to be a phone survey of 2,500 people.
John Horrigan, former research director of the National Broadband Plan at the Federal Communications...Read more
Internet access in rural Pennsylvania is critically lacking, as I have shown in past artifacts posted here. The rural urban divide in internet access and speeds in Pennsylvania may be the most extreme in the country, with some parts of Pennsylvania not being able to even stream videos.,
...Read more