climate policy


This is the first in-depth review of India’s energy policies by IEA which examines the country’s achievements in developing its energy sector as well as the challenges it faces in ensuring a sustainable energy future. This report details an impressive track record of expanding access to...Read more

Green practices can negate climate emissions on NY farms

New York is planning to mitigate the climate impacts of farms and agriculture in the state. The report calls for mitigations on emissions by 40% by 2030 and by 85% by 2050. There is increased recognition of the need for New York to step up on their climate consciousness and reduce their...Read more

European Union Clean Energy Package

The European Union is moving forward with their "Clean Energy for all Europeans" package, which outlines their approach to reaching at least 33% renewable energy by 2030 and 100% renewable energy by 2050. Therein, the document discusses how producer-consumers of energy (prosumers) will play a...Read more

Philly is ready to start fighting climate change again

As President-Elect Biden stated, there is a pontential for the US to re-enter the Paris Agreement for climate change goals to be achieved by 2050. Philadelphia had continued to follow the climate provisions thanks to Mayor Kenney's commitment even despite President Trump's withdrawal from the...Read more

The Mass. Legislature's Climate Bills Are Important. But They Wouldn't Do Enough For My Most Vulnerable Patients

By virtue of spatial designation, certain communities are more at risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing serious illness by it, this could vary from heat risk, climate risks, and other side effects from air pollution. The next pandemic could have worse effects, that will be worsened by d...Read more

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