This source was recently published and is an overview of energy poverty as seen in the United States and compared to the UK.Read more
"Energy consumption is indirectly shaped by policies that are not specifically concerned with energy or carbon emissions as such, but that have profound consequences for both" (Riniken et al.,...Read more
"..the experiences of the 'new energy poor', who are vulnerable to decreased incomes, high prices, new taxes, and 'inadequate socio-technical infrastructures' (Petrova & Prodromidou, 2019:1380...Read more
As already documented prior to the pandemic, Black, Latinx, and minority-owned businesses tend to fare worse than white-owned businesses. With the advent of the pandemic, Black and Latinx-owned businesses closed down at twice or nearly twice the rate of white-owned businesses. A combination of...Read more
This article brings up the current state of Iceland and how they use renewable sources. Iceland has achieved 100% renewable energy when it comes to producing electricity. This is true for the capital where ⅔ or residents live but it was difficult to find if that held true for the scattered...Read more
This article discusses an order that has recently come to the table, as issued by Dan Brouilette. The notices of the order will be communicated to the utility by January 16, 2021. The order is meant to increase energy security on the United States' energy grids. Given the recent downturn in...Read more
This pdf is a summary of a podcast series on energy rights. The podcast discusses the ways in which energy poverty, a condition where households are unable to meet their energy needs, negatively affects poor households' health and economic security. The podcast calls for energy reform that...Read more
"There are three pillars of sustainability – economic, social and environmental – an idea that has figured strongly in policy discussions since the Bruntdland ...Read more
"Austerity measures have produced unevenly distributed socio-spatial vulnerabilities" (Petrova & Prodromidou, 2019:1383).
Thinking about this quote, we can relate austerity measures to...Read more
I thought the point about energy demand as an “ongoing constitution” was really useful, specifically for thinking about how energy demand changed during COVID19. It made me wonder how...Read more
The attached document is a bill passed through Utah's state Senate that outlines their mission towards 100% renewable energy by 2030 through the use of Community Renewable Energy initiatives. There's no similar legislature throughout the U.S. (at least, that I can find) that legally...Read more