Has a change in your income or your COVID-19's household income impacted your household's ability to pay utility bills? (Cumulative Q.27/32)





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Contributed date

June 6, 2022 - 5:45pm

Critical Commentary

This chart reflects responses to Question #32 from the Spring 2020 and Winter 2020, and Question #27 from the Spring 2021 surveys, which asked, “Has a change in your income or your COVID-19's household income impacted your household's ability to pay utility bills?” The given options were,

  • There has not been a change in my income;

  • There has not been a change in household income;

  • Yes;

  • Changes in income have not impacted our ability to pay bills;

  • No;

  • Not yet, but it will in the coming months;

  • I don’t know.


232 respondents answered this question and respondents could choose multiple answers.

  • 115 respondents (49.6%) answered “no.”

  • Fifty-seven (24.6%) answered that a change in their income has impacted their ability to pay utility bills.

  • Thirty-two respondents (13.8%) reported there has not been a change in their income. 

  • Thirty respondents (12.9%) reported there has not been a change in household income.

  • Twelve respondents (5.2%) reported that changes in income have not impacted ability to pay utility bills. 

  • Eight respondents (3.5%) said not yet, but it will in the coming months.

  • Two respondents (0.9%) reported there has been a change in income but it has not impacted their ability to pay utility bill (option was exclusive to Spring 2020).

  • Three respondents (1.3%) answered other.

The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey, which has been administered to 234 people over two time periods. The Spring 2020 survey was administered to 86 people between May and June, and the Winter 2020 survey was administered to 83 people between December 2020 and March 2021 The Spring 2021 survey was administered to 65 people between March 2021 and June 2021. Visit the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Spring + Winter 2020 Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.




Cite as

Andrew Rosenthal, "Has a change in your income or your COVID-19's household income impacted your household's ability to pay utility bills? (Cumulative Q.27/32)", contributed by Andrew Rosenthal, Alison Kenner, Briana Leone, Morgan Sarao and James Adams, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 6 June 2022, accessed 15 February 2025. https://energyrights.info/content/has-change-your-income-or-your-covid-19s-household-income-impacted-your-households-ability-2