This article gives a broad overview of energy efficiency landscapes as particularly analyzed in Ohio and in relation to WAP retrofits. Budget cuts, as performed more recently, and the pandemic have halted the progressiveness of the program, but there continues to be an effort to continue the...Read more
This source was recently published and is an overview of energy poverty as seen in the United States and compared to the UK.Read more
On August 10th, 2021 the U.S. Senate passed a bipartisan $1 trillion infrastructure bill which adds $500 Million for LIHEAP Over 5 Year, provides $3.5B for WAP, and creates Water Assistance Needs Study & 40 Pilot Projects. The WAP increase is a ten-fold increase in the...Read more
This article discusses a recent public official's mishandling of WAP (Weatherization Assistance Program) marketing. As often discussed by the Energy Vulnerability Project, energy assistance programs are not often widely known by those who need it. Such limited knowledge of the assistance...Read more
In March 2021 President Biden announced a $2 trillion plan to improve the nation's infrastructure and to shift to greener energy over the next 8 years. The infrastructure plan is part one of a two part propsoal to help the United State's economy recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, with the...Read more
The weatherization assistance program, otherwise known as WAP, is one of they only assistance programs that applies interventions to physical fabric of the home. The goal of the WAP is strictly to achieve energy efficiency of the home and is otherwise helpless, sometimes even deleterious when it...Read more
This fact sheet lays out the benefits of the Weatherization Assistance Program in the United States through the Department of Energy. The fact sheet is an example of distributive justice through benefits. It lays out the way that low income Americans are affected by poor weatherization measures...Read more
This article, published in August of 2021, is about a new program being piloted by the Philadelphia Energy Authority (PEA), called the Build to Last Program. PEA is hoping to make the energy assistance network in Philadelphia less siloed by connecting homeowners who apply to...Read more