The title of this article mentions challenges but as I read through, I realized that it is also providing some solutions at a global level on the energy crisis. The article claims that energy demands will go by 50% by 2040 with the largest requirement for cooling / air conditioning. Rising...Read more
In my personal opinion, Europe has always been a thought leader in terms of environmental concerns leading the way for the rest of the world. In my extensive travels across Europe, I have noticed a comparatively high level of awareness and consciousness for the environment from the common folks...Read more
This article shows a timeline of events leading up from the beginning of the lockdown constituing the changes to the energy patterns along the way. The interactive charts gives you a very detailed insight into the change in energy system demand across days and even the different hours during the...Read more
This report by McKinsey & Company was created on the basis of their previous global consumer survey. The report outlines how the beauty industry has been known for its resiliency during crises. However, there have been shifts in trends across the globe concerning what the future of beauty...Read more
This article is of a pilot study with actual responses from 22 households from UK from a target sample of 34 households. The number looks small and insignificant but as I finished reading the article, I understood and actually appreciated this. What caught my attention was this line: “Fuel...Read more
Tbis research report funded by EU to study energy poverty in nine member countries. The report details the energy poverty definition, energy poverty diagnosis and causes and the measures taken to tackle energy poverty in each country. In the summary section, there is a comparative analysis as...Read more
This source was recently published and is an overview of energy poverty as seen in the United States and compared to the UK.Read more