
Targeting Energy Poor Consumers Report

Tbis research report funded by EU to study energy poverty in nine member countries. The report details the energy poverty definition, energy poverty diagnosis and causes and the measures taken to tackle energy poverty in each country. In the summary section, there is a comparative analysis as...Read more

In Pa., you can pick an electricity provider. Did the Texas storm make you rethink your choice?

This poll, published by NPR's State Impact Pennsylvania, is designed to see how many people in Pennsylvania have reconsidered their energy provider choice after the Texas grid failure. The article points to how, for some Texas customers who were on a variable rate plan, saw their electricity...Read more

Today in Energy Article on Energy Vulnerability (2018)

This article, produced by contributors from the U.S. Energy Information Administration,reports that nearly one-third of U.S. households (31%) reported facing a challenge in paying energy bills or sustaining adequate heating and cooling in their homes in 2015. These statistics are based off...Read more

New survey designed to see just how connected Philadelphia actually is

This article describes a survey the city of Philadelphia is plannnig to condut on conjunction with Wilco Electronic Systems. The survey is planned to be a phone survey of 2,500 people.

John Horrigan, former research director of the National Broadband Plan at the Federal Communications...Read more

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