
LIHEAP State Sheet - Pennsylvania 2020

This fact sheet provides numbers for the following in Pennsylvania:

  • Gross LIHEAP allocation to Pennsylvania in 2017
  • # of households eligible for LIHEAP in Pennsylvania
  • # of low-income households that received LIHEAP in Pennsylvania in 2017
  • % change in LIHEAP
  • ...Read more
Board Approves RGGI Rule, Moving Pa. a Step Closer to Joining Carbon Emissions Program

The Environmental Quality Board voted 15-4 Tuesday to adopt the final regulation that would have Pennsylvania join the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative, a cap-and-trade program that targets carbon dioxide emissions in the power sector. The new rule is now headed to an independent regulatory...Read more

RGGI will reduce carbon emissions and bring millions to Pennsylvania. This shouldn’t be a fight. | Editorial

This article was shared by Governor Wolf and is advoacting for Pennsylvania joining RGGI. It is part of my RGGI PECE essay.Read more

COVID In Pennsylvania: Commonwealth To Lift Last Moratorium On Utility Shutoffs

As with other articles released this week, CBS3 Philly reports on the Pennsylvania PUC's decision to lift the moratorium on utility disconnections this coming April 1st. The decision follows pressures from utility representatives, who claim there is now federal assistance available to renters to...Read more

PUC Seeks Comment on Proposed Settlements with Retail Energy SuppliersConcerning Sales & Marketing Practices

This article is a press release by Pennsylvania's Public Utility Commission following recent investigations into misleading marketing outlets on the part of Pennsylvania energy suppliers. Following the investigations, NG&E will have to pay civil penalties and contribute to hardship funds in...Read more

Gettysburg Borough Council: Human Relations Board * Comcast Agreement

The Gettysburg Borough Council is close to signing a new 10-year agreement with Comcast Cable Communications, LLC which sells cable and internet services under the name Xfinity.

Adams County, which Gettysburg resides in, has 90% broadband access (86% in rural areas) according to the FCC...Read more

Pennsylvania Launches Course To Train Climate Leaders

Pennsylavania's Department of Environmental Protectiont launched an online climate leadership academy that will teach people how expected increased heat waves and flooding can disrupt their operations and communities, as well as possible solutions and ways to protect Pennsylvanians’ health...Read more

PA Senate Democrats Joined House Democrats for Net Neutrality Policy Hearing

State Senator Amanda Cappelletti (D) and state Rep. Elizabeth Fiedler (D) held virtual meeting on net neutrality and equitable access to internet in Pennsylvania.

“Internet access has become a necessity. However, Pennsylvania’s technological infrastructure and internet standards are behind...Read more

Pennsylvania Natural Gas Utilities

This is a list of gas suppliers in Pennsylvania.Read more

Pa. utilities urge a resumption of shutoffs as pandemic subsides and unpaid bills soar

This article discusses the Pennsylvania PUC’s decision to resume disconnections in more detail. It also references why utilities have been so adamantly insistent on reinstating utility shut offs. According to the utilities, at least as documented...Read more

Governor’s power-plant carbon-pricing plan nears finish line

This article discusses Pennsylvania's tentative plan to price carbon emissions. If this move is successful, Wolf's administration would succeed in making Pennsylvania the first state to adopt similar measures. That said, such a move is also a significant headway into dismantling the long-...Read more

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