New Jersey

Hundreds of thousands of utility customers facing shut-offs

This article provides an update on the state of residential utility arrears in New Jersey, where nearly 600,000 customers owe more than $570 million in back payments. Johnson explains that low income workers/households were hit by pandemic costs and losses particularly hard, but that middle...Read more

Energy Companies Have Spent Billions on Projects That Go Nowhere

This article talks about the ways in which utilities in New Jersey have worked to increase storm resilience since hurricane Sandy. That said, even with $4 billion in investments made into grid systems little has improved, Sierra Green New Jersey Director Tiffel said. We can think about ways in...Read more

LIHEAP State Sheet - New Jersey 2020

This fact sheet provides numbers for the following in New Jersey:

  • Gross LIHEAP allocation to New Jersey in 2017
  • # of households eligible for LIHEAP in New Jersey
  • # of low-income households that received LIHEAP in New Jersey in 2017
  • % change in LIHEAP funding in
  • ...Read more
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