My artifacts for this month were collected using Google News and both focus on Philadelphia. The first article was found after finding out about RGGI, a regional cap and trade program that Pennsylvania is in the process of entering. If Philadelphia were to enter, they would be the first...Read more
This month’s media brief had the most amount of articles out of the three media briefs I have worked with. It was the longest media brief I have written, but I was still only able to briefly discuss the articles with some light, one to two sentence analysis. The policy inadequacies...Read more
I found the artifacts that I contributed for the October 2021 Media Brief through weekly google news searches using variations of the following keywords: “Philadelphia energy”, “abandoned oil wells”, “lithium mining”, and “energy affordability”. I also receive daily news digests from U.S...Read more
My articles were found on Google News by using numerous keywords such as “Philadelphia Internet”, “Climate Change Philadelphia”, “Philadelphia Energy”, and “Philadelphia COVID.” My first article discusses Comcast expanding their...Read more
This was my second media brief, my first being from almost over a year ago. Courtesy of James, I have come to understand the depths of the Texas blackout and the extent to which it will...Read more
I am honored to be able to write the final media brief for The Energy Rights Project. If I may be excused for a little self indulgence, this reflection will reflect upon my experience with Media Briefs as a whole and my time writing them. I feel like we never truly pinned down an audience...Read more
My articles for the March Media Brief focus on Comcast’s investments in Philadelphia, Net Neutrality, and Philadelphia’s vaccine rollout. All three articles were chosen because they deal with internet infrastructure in Pennsylvania in...Read more
This article opens with a startling fact I was unaware of. Thanks to the many trees and nature restoration projects in higher income areas, there can be a 22-degree temperature difference between high income and low income parts of the city. The Philadelphia Green Capital Corp. (PGCC) is...Read more
Two of my articles talk about internet infrastructure in Philadelphia, with the remaining article discussing chemical contaminants in the water. The first two were found by simply searching Philadelphia Internet on Google, while the last one was found after watching a John Oliver...Read more
This article opens by discussing the recent hurricanes that swept through Philadelphia within the last few months. It then reminds readers of the scientific consensus of man-made climate change, explaining that the city cannot combat the issue on its own. It begins by explaining some of...Read more
Governor Wolf has announced plans to improve the safety of Roosevelt Boulevard with a $12.5 million dollar plan. $6 million will go toward intersection improvements, including extending curbs to shorten pedestrian crossing distances and realigning crosswalk and lane configurations. Another...Read more