HHS Announces Water Assistance Program

The Department of Health and Human Services announced the Low-Income Home Water Assistance Program that was passed apart of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. LIWAP will be a sister program to LIHEAP. OCS will be providing guidance in the coming weeks on plan submission, reporting...Read more


The National Energy Assistance Directors’ Association (NEADA), representing the state LIHEAP directors, received funding from the National Energy & Utility Affordability Coalition (NEUAC) to update the information about that was collected in the 2003, 2005, 2008, 2009, and 2011 National...Read more

LIHEAP State Sheet - New Jersey 2020

This fact sheet provides numbers for the following in New Jersey:

  • Gross LIHEAP allocation to New Jersey in 2017
  • # of households eligible for LIHEAP in New Jersey
  • # of low-income households that received LIHEAP in New Jersey in 2017
  • % change in LIHEAP funding in
  • ...Read more
Recognition of and response to energy poverty in the United States

This source was recently published and is an overview of energy poverty as seen in the United States and compared to the UK.Read more

COVID-19 Emergency Relief Package – Topline Summary of New Agreement

On December 21st, the House and Senate passed the Emergency Coronavirus Relief Act of 2020 after a weekend of high-level negotiating between leadership. Unfortunately, specific funding for LIHEAP is not expected to be included in the package. However, the option for utility assistance...Read more

COVID-19 Relief Emergency Rental Assistance Summary

In the second COVID-19 stimulus bill passed by Congress, there is no specific funding for LIHEAP, and funding for rental assistance and utility assistance are shared. This document details how funds will be used in the Emergency Rental Assistance Section of the stimulus. 

"Grantees shall...Read more

Senators call for quick release of LIHEAP funds

This article includes background information on how the three stimulus bills passed to provide economic relief due to COVID-19 impacts LIHEAP. It describes a letter produced by a collective of 28 U.S. senators, based on data from a report produced by NEADA. Read more

2017 LIHEAP Advocate's Guide - National Low Income Housing Coalition

This document is a 2017 advocates guide for the federal LIHEAP program, produced by the National Low Income Housing Coalition. It provides a synopsis of the history/purpose for the LIHEAP program, a program summary, a funding forecast for the program in 2017, and talking points for advocates...Read more

Utility customers owe up to $40B in COVID-19 debt, but who will pay it?

This article discusses the effects of the utility shutoff moratorium as a policy (an emergency policy) that had no vision for long term pay back. I did not count the number of times the phrase "keeing the lights on" was repeated, but I should have. The article also describes how different...Read more

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