The attached document produces a detailed analysis of fuel poverty in the transport sector in France. What is particularly interesting about the study herein presented is the classification of the fuel poor into three subcategories. I believe it is through these subcategories that a more...Read more
Energy vulnerable people are one of the populations worst hit by the current COVID-19 pandemic. In response, Ireland has extended fuel allowances to fuel poor people to support isolation comfort.Read more
As can be grasped by the title of the article, the focus is placed on energy vulnerable populations and how their fuel poverty can and will intersect with the COVID-19 pandemic, possibly yielding negative outcomes for those individuals unable to sustain healthy home environments.Read more
The article talks about the fuel poverty situation in the United Kingdom and the realities faced by vulnerable people during the COVID-19 epidemic. It should also be considered in terms of its relevance to utility bills for all types of homes and the spike in energy use that will manifest during...Read more
This article was published for DHHS by two authors from Columbia University and Clarkson University. The authors suggest that in terms of policy making, a more coherent approach would be to integrate home energy and housing policy and that integrating programs in each area would be a better way...Read more
The interdisciplinary dialogue that is presented in this source serves to lay foundational understandings of fuel poverty and the phenomenon's complexity and its effects on housing stock and energy efficiency, particularly for low income and disabled people.Read more