extreme heat

COVID-19 Blog - Urban Systems Lab

This document contains blurbs from each and every article created by the blog's authors. The Urban Systems Lab has worked constantly to highlight the intersections of social vulnerabilities with COVID-19. Each article discusses a different vulnerability as highlighted by the pandemic's continued...Read more

New research will look at heat wave risks during pandemic

This document is part of the NCAR & UCAR Newspage. In this brief description, the author talks about ways in which NCAR and other entities are pooling together funds to conduct research into heat vulnerabilities and its intersections with risks of contracting COVID-19. That said, the brief...Read more

Summer Heat Will Worsen the Pandemic for Poor Communities

This news analysis discusses extreme heat and energy insecurities during the COVID19 pandemic. This article calls for an expansion of energy efficiency and bill assistance programs (e.g. expanding LIHEAP funding for summer months) along with a nation-wide utility shutoff moratorium to provide...Read more

Thousands without power during record-breaking heat

On June 27th, 2021 Portland General Electric said 2,574 customers in Clackamas County, 1,291 customers in Multnomah County, 605 customers in Washington County and 765 customers in Yamhill County were without power due to extreme heat-related outages in the Pacific Northwest. 

Portland...Read more

NERC report outlines potential electricity disruptions in the United States this summer

According to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's (NERC) Summer Reliability Assessment, many parts of the United States are at elevated or high risk for potential electricity emergencies this summer, with several regions at risk of electricity shortfalls during above-...Read more

‘Historic, dangerous, prolonged and unprecedented’ heat wave swells over Pacific Northwest

In a record-breaking heat wave that’s swept the Pacific Northwest, The Washington Post has followed the event as it is documented by local newspapers and weather forecasters. This past week, temperatures in the Pacific Northwest have consistently...Read more

Dangerous choice: Swelter in quarantine or risk contagion

This article disscusses how cities may protect vulnerable residents from the risks of extreme heat during the COVID19 pandemic. Read more

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