energy poverty


What are the underlying causes of energy poverty in Ghana? What are the impacts of energy poverty on the quality of life of Ghanaians especially vulnerable groups? What other renewable and sustainable energy sources can be harnessed in Ghana apart from hydroelectric power? How feasible and...Read more


This PECE essay is a collection of artifacts highlighting policy frameworks that were designed in the past with the aim of ensuring reliable energy access to the people of Ghana, the turn of events after these polices were designedRead more

The new energy poor

"..the experiences of the 'new energy poor', who are vulnerable to decreased incomes, high prices, new taxes, and 'inadequate socio-technical infrastructures' (Petrova & Prodromidou, 2019:1380...Read more

Energy Governance

"the austerity regime has rendered the new energy poor in Greece both vulnerable and governable" (Petrova & Prodromidou, 2019:1395).

The above quote is important to think about for our...Read more

6 Maps That Show How Bad Energy Poverty Is and Reveal 2 Ways to Make it Better

This article on the Union of Concerned Scientists blog contains maps which provide spatial analyses of energy poverty using data from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Read more

A Pandemic and Surging Summer Heat Leave Thousands Struggling to Pay Utility Bills

This article is particularly relevant to investigations on energy vulnerability, but also particularly relevant to predictions of compounded vulnerabilities made by the research group before the first round of interviews. For example, one of the people interviewed said she was forced to shut her...Read more


This research article by Adusah-Poku & Takeuchi (2019) explores the dynamics of energy poverty in Ghana using two national cross-sectional datasets. Energy poverty is defined as “the absence of sufficient choice in accessing adequate, affordable, reliable, high quality, safe,...Read more

Petrova and Prodromidou - Politics, Austerity, Vulnerability - 2019

This ethnographic work brings forth the pathways of energy consumption and production under regulatory austerity programs, currently governing Greece, as they exist in energy vulnerable environments that tend to generate energy poverty.Read more

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