Energy Burden

Connecticut's moratorium on utility shutoffs ended. Here's where you can still get help.

The article talks about the Connecticut utility moratoria ending this past September 15, which places many households at risk of having their services shut-off. However, Carenza from Thames Valley Council for Community Action (TVCCA) said they've seen a significant increase in applications for...Read more

The Uneven Gains of Energy Efficiency

This article touches on just about every construct that constitutes energy burden. Using the City of New Orleans as an example of a high energy burden city, it illustrates how a high energy burden contributes to the affordability crisis in American cities. Stein explores how wealth disparity and...Read more

Schipani - Saving Energy in Pandemics - 2020

The article above talks about several ways households can strategically reduce energy bills whilst working remotely and practicing self-quarantine and social distancing.Read more

PECO Seeks Rate Increase Of 9 Percent For Average Household

On March 30, PECO

submitted a rate increase request to the PUC which would provide with PECO approximately $246 million per year, a boost of roughly 7 percent. If the entire increase is approved, PECO estimates the average residential customer, using 700 kilowatts per hour, would see their...Read more

Philadelphia Liens and Debt: What You Need to Know Before Acquiring Privately Owned Vacant Lots

This piece from the organization Grounded in Philly provides resources and information for those seeking to gain ownership of a vacant lot that is privately owned and how to deal with unpaid debt left behind by the absent owner. After explaining what liens are, the page moves on to explore the...Read more

6 Maps That Show How Bad Energy Poverty Is and Reveal 2 Ways to Make it Better

Things that attracted me to this article is the use of the term 'energy burden' and the fact that the maps were created by DOE. I also liked how the author talked about the differences between progressive and regressive policies. I learned some new terms too: split incentive and green lease. Read more

As Philadelphia works to tackle climate change, a question emerges: Is PGW on board?

With attempts to electrify grids in a sustainable way, many oil and gas furnaces will inevitably be shut down by 2025. The foregoing is a threat for energy supplies for utilities such as PGW, among utilities that opposed updated and thorough building code implementation. The call to transition...Read more

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