Energy Burden

Schipani - Saving Energy in Pandemics - 2020

The article above talks about several ways households can strategically reduce energy bills whilst working remotely and practicing self-quarantine and social distancing.Read more

Energy Burdens in Philadelphia

This artifact is apart of the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy's 2020 report on residential energy burdens in 25 metro areas. According to ACEE, "a high energy burden is considered to be above 6%, and a severe energy burden above 10%". 

A quarter of low-income households...Read more

Helman - Hidden Costs Working Home - 2020

The article herein comments on the downfalls of working from home, especially in terms of costs, during the current COVID-19 outbreak. It takes into consideration energy use, consumption, and cost for residents.Read more

Lifting The High Energy Burden

This study by the American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (ACEEE) and Energy Efficiency for All (EEFA) highlights the energy affordability crisis across the US by analyzing energy burdens for 48 cities and the demographics of energy burdened households. Findings show that low...Read more

Lifting the High Energy Burden in America’s Largest Cities: How Energy Efficiency Can Improve Low Income and Underserved Communities

This report provides a snapshot of energy burdens in cities across the US. It focuses on the high home energy burdens faced by select groups in major metropolitan areas. Years of analysis by the firm of Fisher Sheehan & Colton determined that low-income households pay proportionally more...Read more

6 Maps That Show How Bad Energy Poverty Is and Reveal 2 Ways to Make it Better

Things that attracted me to this article is the use of the term 'energy burden' and the fact that the maps were created by DOE. I also liked how the author talked about the differences between progressive and regressive policies. I learned some new terms too: split incentive and green lease. Read more

The Uneven Gains of Energy Efficiency

This article touches on just about every construct that constitutes energy burden. Using the City of New Orleans as an example of a high energy burden city, it illustrates how a high energy burden contributes to the affordability crisis in American cities. Stein explores how wealth disparity and...Read more

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