Energy Bills

Utility shutoffs should be a rallying cry for justice

In much a continued theme throughout the pandemic, utility shutoffs threaten and have negatively impacted many families across the United States. Without any jobs or assistance to pay for high energy bills, which continue to pile on as we are inevitably forced to stay inside, many families face...Read more

ECA Legal and Community Supports

The imagery here shows is a collection of pamphlets curated by ECA (Energy Coordinating Agency), a non-profit organization serving the Philadelphia region. ECA provides support through weatherization and DIY weatherization programs, heater replacements, and utility bill counseling and assistance...Read more

Do you think climate change is impacting Philly?

Other than the normal - like I said the normal changes in the environment, or in climate, and the changes in utilities and things of that nature, which has a big impact. I don't know, I'm trying to figure out what they could do to be more efficient in terms of providing clean energy to us...Read more

COVID-19: Government to absorb electricity bills for the poor, others to enjoy 50% slash.

To be taking an energy vulnerability class during a pandemic like this I must say has been a blessing. This is because, with the knowledge I am attaining on this subject matter, I am beginning to understand what energy vulnerability is, and the extent to which it is a world-wide concern even in...Read more

Lillis - Infrastructure Relief - 2020

The article goes on to look at several components of the relief package, including the drawbacks it has particularly as the drawbacks relate to access to stable connections for remote work.Read more

UK households paid to use electricity during Covid-19 lockdown

This article caught my attention as soon as I read the title. I thought it was a bit bizzare because I have always heard everyone say " Do not waste electrcity" and here it says that households were paid to use electricty. Thousands of British homes were paid to use electricity during the day,...Read more

How to lower your energy bills

Since many people are changing their behavior during COVID-19 to reduce their energy consumption, the article opens by stating that the combination of colder weather and COVID-19 will require people to warm their homes while using less energy. As many other articles here state, energy...Read more

Report: Black households spend almost 50 percent more on utilities than white households

Echoing the topics of discussions in the headlines, this article talks about the impending end of state moratoria. Citing studies like the American Housing Survey, the article discusses disproportionate impacts felt by low-income communities as COVID-19 has compounded their already-precarious...Read more

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