
Using cocoa husks to create power in Ghana

This artifact throws more light on a project led by the University of Nottingham aimed at creating energy from cocoa husks to enable Ghana achieve her target of universal electricity access by 2030.

With Ghana being the 2nd highest cocoa producing country in the world, the probability of...Read more

Region’s electric grid operator is ready to meet summer demand

This article was interesting in that it provided a somewhat technical report on how prepared PJM is for the summer weather. PJM is the largest electricity grid in the U.S., providing service in thirteen states, include PA. It's also the transmission operator for PECO in Philadelphia -- and I...Read more

Electricity Cost and Consumption: Holiday Lights and Decorations in America

One aspect of the holidays which I never think about, is the high amount of energy consumption during these celebratory times. From travel to retail manufacturing, most components of the holidays are amounting to more and more energy costs. Especially, holiday lights! Retail businesses,...Read more

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