
UK households paid to use electricity during Covid-19 lockdown

This article caught my attention as soon as I read the title. I thought it was a bit bizzare because I have always heard everyone say " Do not waste electrcity" and here it says that households were paid to use electricty. Thousands of British homes were paid to use electricity during the day,...Read more

How coronavirus is changing electricity usage, in 3 charts

This news article talks about shifting energy demand during COVID-19, focusing on California, New York, and Italy. Data is taking from electricity grids and shows that there is a reduced overall demand on the grid -- so even with increased usage in households, the amount of energy consumption is...Read more

What Its Like To Live Without Electricity?

This news article is an interesting read because it throws light on the daily struggles that a person endures, when they are deprived of their access to basic energy needs.  In most of the villages today in India, energy is produced within the village by the vilagers themselves for their basic...Read more

Helman - Hidden Costs Working Home - 2020

The article herein comments on the downfalls of working from home, especially in terms of costs, during the current COVID-19 outbreak. It takes into consideration energy use, consumption, and cost for residents.Read more

Multi-dimensional energy poverty patterns around industrial crop projects in Ghana: Enhancing the energy poverty alleviation potential of rural development strategies

Literature findings have concluded that, providing stable employment and increase in income could improve the economic status of a household and thus enable them transition from the use of traditional fuels like fuelwood to modern energy sources like electricity; and this could aid in energy...Read more

100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World

This article caught my attention because after all the reading I have done recently on this topic, I am looking for solutions, primarily for a ‘feel good’ factor. Else the complexity of this global  crisis of energy vulnerability is overwhelming me.  I do understand that this is an optimistic...Read more

The Unyielding Grip Of Fossil Fuels On Global Life

In this article, Michael Klare explains that the use of fossil fuel like coal, oil, and natural gas will not fall, but actually continue to rise in the next decades. I like the way the author shares first the good news about the increase in renewable energy resources and then the bad news...Read more

The biggest energy challenges facing humanity

The title of this article mentions challenges but as I read through, I realized that it is also providing some solutions at a global level on the energy crisis. The article claims that energy demands will go by 50% by 2040 with the largest requirement for cooling / air conditioning. Rising...Read more


In a bid to provide quality and reliable electricity to households and industries, Ghana’s first attempt to establish a modern legal framework for the energy industry was developed in the 1920s. A strategy paper was then launched in between 2012-2016 to support the 2 strategic stalwarts: “...Read more

Memorandum on State Utility Disconnection Moratoriums and Utility Affordability

This memorandum created by the National Governors Association contains estimates for the financial impact that COVID-19 has had on utilities across the country as of June 2021, after the ending of many winter seasonal moratorium and as many COVID-19 induced moratoria are being lifted as well. It...Read more

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