
What Its Like To Live Without Electricity?

This news article is an interesting read because it throws light on the daily struggles that a person endures, when they are deprived of their access to basic energy needs.  In most of the villages today in India, energy is produced within the village by the vilagers themselves for their basic...Read more

Helman - Hidden Costs Working Home - 2020

The article herein comments on the downfalls of working from home, especially in terms of costs, during the current COVID-19 outbreak. It takes into consideration energy use, consumption, and cost for residents.Read more

In Pa., you can pick an electricity provider. Did the Texas storm make you rethink your choice?

This poll, published by NPR's State Impact Pennsylvania, is designed to see how many people in Pennsylvania have reconsidered their energy provider choice after the Texas grid failure. The article points to how, for some Texas customers who were on a variable rate plan, saw their electricity...Read more

Region’s electric grid operator is ready to meet summer demand

This article was interesting in that it provided a somewhat technical report on how prepared PJM is for the summer weather. PJM is the largest electricity grid in the U.S., providing service in thirteen states, include PA. It's also the transmission operator for PECO in Philadelphia -- and I...Read more

How Retail Businesses Can Easily Reduce Energy Consumption and Costs

This article details the practices retail spaces can use to lower energy consumption and electricity bills. I found this particular article very interesting due to the new knowledge it gave me. It details, the problem with retail lighting and how T8 flourescent light bulbs, fixtures and LED...Read more


This document is PECO's notice for their proposed rate increase, which assumably was sent to their customers/posted on their website. Read more

Today in Energy Article on Energy Vulnerability (2018)

This article, produced by contributors from the U.S. Energy Information Administration,reports that nearly one-third of U.S. households (31%) reported facing a challenge in paying energy bills or sustaining adequate heating and cooling in their homes in 2015. These statistics are based off...Read more

Using cocoa husks to create power in Ghana

This artifact throws more light on a project led by the University of Nottingham aimed at creating energy from cocoa husks to enable Ghana achieve her target of universal electricity access by 2030.

With Ghana being the 2nd highest cocoa producing country in the world, the probability of...Read more

Energy sector going through reforms for better service

“Energy Minister John Peter Amewu has noted that the energy sector of the Ghanaian economy is going through reforms in order to perform optimally under internationally best practice, build and improve the capacity of the various players and also to strengthen private sector...Read more

NERC report outlines potential electricity disruptions in the United States this summer

According to the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's (NERC) Summer Reliability Assessment, many parts of the United States are at elevated or high risk for potential electricity emergencies this summer, with several regions at risk of electricity shortfalls during above-...Read more

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