This question was answered by 83 people. Given respondents could select multiple options, the numbers here add-up to more than 83. The following was gathered:
2 respondents who said they would turn their generators on in the previous question also said they would do so for this question;
13 people said they would go to family, friends, or other places (despite being prompted with stay-at-home directives);
23 respondents would wait for power to be restored;
11 respondents would try to reduce the amount of sunlight that enters the room;
21 respondents would air the house as much as possible;
4 respondents would try to get a hold of a power generator;
8 respondents said they don’t know what they would do;
35 respondents answered something else
1 respondent would contact their A/C company
7 would contact their utility
2 would contact their landlord
1 would contact a city official
1 would go to a cooling center
1 would go on vacation
4 respondents would go outdoors
1 respondent would go to a second home
2 respondents would go someplace indoors that has A/C
5 respondents would stay in a cold part of their home
2 respondents would leave but didn’t say where
1 respondent would call someone but didn’t say who
1 respondent would live in their car
1 respondent would move something from their fridge and make an ice cooler
1 respondent would nap
2 respondents would take a cold shower
1 respondent would go swimming
3 respondents would use fans
1 respondent would stay positive
1 respondent would tough it out
The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 86 people over a six week period in May-June 2020. Visit the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.
Briana Leone, "What would you do if, during a heatwave, you lost power? (Q18)", contributed by Briana Leone and Alison Kenner, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 16 August 2022, accessed 4 November 2024.
Critical Commentary
The chart shown here reflects responses to Question #18 from the Spring 2020 survey, which asked: “What would you do if, during a heatwave, you lost power?” The structured responses prepared by the research group were as follow:
I would turn on my back-up generator.
I would go to the home of a friend or family member who did have power.
I would wait until power was restored.
I would try to reduce the amount of sunlight entering my common spaces in peak hours.
I would try to air out the house as much as possible.
I don’t know.
Other, please explain
Eighty-three (83) people responded to this question. Given respondents could select multiple options, the numbers here add-up to more than 83. The following was gathered:
2 respondents would turn back-up generators on if they lost power during a heatwave;
27 respondents would go to a friends or family’s house or simply leave their home to go to a hotel, library, park, etc.;
20 respondents would wait for power to be restored;
12 respondents would try to reduce the amount of sunlight coming into the home;
26 respondents would air out the house as much as possible;
3 respondents said they don’t know what they would do;
3 respondents would go to a hotel or on vacation;
6 respondents would call their respective utility company or operator;
4 of these respondents said they would use fans (even when prompted to think about not having power).
2 respondents would walk outside or to a local library;
1 respondent would buy ice coolers;
1 respondent would use damp clothing.
The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 86 people over a six week period in May-June 2020. Visit the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.