Have you been able to continue living at home during COVID19 or have you needed to stay someplace else? (Q5)





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Contributed date

December 8, 2020 - 12:02pm

Critical Commentary

This chart represents the results of Question #5 from the Spring 2020 survey, which asked: “Have you been able to continue living at home during COVID-19 or have you needed to stay someplace else?” The listed options were: 

  1. Yes, I have been able to continue living in my pre-COVID-19 home.

  2. No, I have been forced to live elsewhere during COVID-19.

  3. No, I have chosen to live elsewhere during COVID-19.

  4. I am a college student who had to leave on-campus housing.

  5. I have been going back and forth between places

  6. Other, please explain

Out of 86 respondents, 72 were able to continue living in their pre-COVID-19 housing. However, it is still significant that the remaining portions of respondents saw a change in their housing conditions, mostly related to relocation with family members. Other respondents (4) chose to relocate during COVID-19, some (5) had to relocate because of COVID-19, several (3) were college students who were forced out of their dorms, and 1 respondents was moving back and forth between places. 1 respondent mentioned moving out but did not state why. At this time, mortgage and rent moratoriums were still in place. Question #5a asks about changes in the respondents’ living situation in greater detail. 

The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 86 people over a six week period in May-June 2020. Visit the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.

Cite as

Anonymous, "Have you been able to continue living at home during COVID19 or have you needed to stay someplace else? (Q5)", contributed by Briana Leone and Alison Kenner, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 7 August 2023, accessed 23 July 2024. https://energyrights.info/content/have-you-been-able-continue-living-home-during-covid19-or-have-you-needed-stay-someplace