If **yes** to 35, was the stimulus check enough to cover your monthly expenses without worry? (Q35a Wi2020)





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Contributed date

June 30, 2021 - 6:42pm

Critical Commentary

This chart reflects responses to Question #35a from the Winter 2020 survey, which asks respondents who had received the stimulus check “Was the stimulus check enough to cover your monthly expenses without worry?” The available options to respondents were “Yes”; “No”; and “I don’t know.” Seventy respondents answered this question. 

  • Thirty-two respondents (45.7%) indicated it did allow them to cover their monthly expenses without worry. 

  • Thirty-seven (54.9%) stated it did not allow them to cover their monthly expenses without worry, with fourteen of them (20%) saying it helped partially but did not cover all of their expenses. 

  • Two respondents (2.9%) indicated it had covered their monthly expenses but they were worried. 

The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 83 people over a fourteen week period between December 2020 and March 2021. Visit the Winter 2020 Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.

Cite as

Andrew Rosenthal, "If **yes** to 35, was the stimulus check enough to cover your monthly expenses without worry? (Q35a Wi2020)", contributed by Andrew Rosenthal and Alison Kenner, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 30 June 2021, accessed 22 July 2024. https://energyrights.info/content/if-yes-35-was-stimulus-check-enough-cover-your-monthly-expenses-without-worry-q35a-wi2020