What would you do if, during a heatwave, you lost power? (Q18 WI2020)





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Contributed date

April 20, 2021 - 6:05am

Critical Commentary

The chart here reflects answers collected from Question #18 of the Winter 2020 survey, which asked: “What would you do if, during a heatwave, you lost power?” The structured responses for this question follow:

  • I would turn on my back-up generator.

  • I would go to the home of a friend or family member who did have power.

  • I would wait until power was restored.

  • I would try to reduce the amount of sunlight entering my common spaces in peak hours.

  • I would go to a cooling center.

  • I would try to air out the house as much as possible.

  • I don’t know.

  • N/A

  • Other, please explain:

Of the 78 respondents who answered, the following was collected: 

  • 5 respondents would call their utility company

  • 18 respondents would go to the home of a friend or family member who did have power.

  • 8 respondents said they would wait until power was restored.

  • 2 respondents would try to reduce the amount of sunlight entering my common spaces in peak hours.

  • 8 respondents would go to a cooling center.

  • 16 respondents would try to air out the house as much as possible.

  • 13 said they would not know.

  • 17 respondents would employ other strategies like drinking water and taking showers (7), using fans (2), stay out of the house as much as possible (4), go to a hotel, beach house, or temporary housing (3), and pray (1). 

The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 83 people over a fourteen week period between December 2020 and March 2021. Visit the Winter 2020 Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.

Cite as

Anonymous, "What would you do if, during a heatwave, you lost power? (Q18 WI2020)", contributed by Briana Leone and Alison Kenner, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 20 April 2021, accessed 23 July 2024. https://energyrights.info/content/what-would-you-do-if-during-heatwave-you-lost-power-q18-wi2020