In the three months before COVID-19, did you experience any of the following energy service disruptions? Please explain (Q20)





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Contributed date

February 23, 2021 - 12:13pm

Critical Commentary

This chart shows results from Question #20 of the Spring 2020 survey, which asked “In the three months before COVID-19, did you experience any of the following energy service disruptions? Please explain.” This was a check-all-that-apply question, and the options were as follows: 

  • electricity was down

  • heater broke

  • ran out of oil

  • slow internet

  • air conditioning not working

  • gas suspended

  • water not available

  • No

  •  n/a

 There were 85 responses to this question, and the most common response was “no”, with 42 (49.4%) people reporting that they did not have any energy service disruptions. The second most common response was “slow internet”, with 25 people (31.8%) reporting this disruption, and the third most common response, which 20 people (23.5%) reported, was “electricity was down”. Nine people experienced water not being available, and six people had heaters that broke. Four people experienced their air conditioning not working, two people had their gas suspended, and one person ran out of oil. One person reported that their heater turned off because their electricity was down. It’s important to note that three people answered “no” to this question, but also listed one energy service disruption in the same response, and that both the “no” and the energy service disruption were counted. 

The data was produced by the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 Survey - Overview, which was administered to 86 people over a six week period in May-June 2020. Visit the Shifting Energy Demands in COVID-19 - Survey Results page to view more data from our survey. The project is approved by Drexel’s IRB.



Cite as

Morgan Sarao, "In the three months before COVID-19, did you experience any of the following energy service disruptions? Please explain (Q20)", contributed by Morgan Sarao, Alison Kenner, Briana Leone and Andrew Rosenthal, The Energy Rights Project, Platform for Experimental Collaborative Ethnography, last modified 16 August 2022, accessed 23 February 2025.